Timber Building Materials are the most preferred building material. However, the materials are usually chosen depending on the design the builder/owner desires. Additionally, each building material has its own pros and cons. Today, we will specifically be discussing all the uses of treated and untreated timber materials.
Moreover, there are loads of different sizes, cuts, and uses for these timber products. As one of the leading timber manufacturers and suppliers in South Africa, we would like to share all our products and their uses with you!
What are the different types of Building Materials?
It’s no secret that when it comes to buildings, there is an overflow of options for things to use as building materials. Everything evolves around the uses for the building, the budget and the availability of the building materials in your area. Some of the most common building materials in South Africa is:
- Concrete / Cement
- Clay / Bricks
- Stone
- Aluminium
- Timber / Wood
Each one of these materials has its own list of pros and cons. But Timber is by far the most sought-after building material for homes all over South Africa due to the wide range to choose from and the availability. Not to even mention, the fact that the majority of the time, timber can work out much more affordable than other building materials.
Timber as Building Material
As mentioned above, Timber/Wood is highly sought after as a building material in South Africa. It is used across multiple sectors like the industrial sector, agricultural, and domestic sectors. This is due to the many pro’s that comes with using timber for your construction purposes.
Wood/Timber Pros and Cons
Timber Pros
- Affordable
- Lightweight
- Easy to work with
- Readily Available in South Africa
- Easily Camouflaged (Painted, Stained)
- Aesthetic Value
Timber Cons
- Flammable
Wood is ideal for almost any construction project that you are planning. But always ensure that you are purchasing wood from an accredited dealer.

What to ask for when looking at purchasing Timber from a dealer/manufacturer:
Are they SABS approved?
Are their products in line with NRCS Rules and regulations?
- Is their timber prices in line with the market standards?
Why do you need to ask yourself these questions before purchasing timber?
Firstly, SABS (South African Bureau of Standards) sets the standard at which treated timber needs to be treated and handled. Additionally, someone who has the SABS seal of approval has been checked and found to be compliant by South African laws. Consequently, this means that your products are going to be of high quality, and moreover, the manufacturers have done their due diligence.
Similarly, the same reasoning applies with the NRCS (National Regulator of Compulsory Specifications). If they have the proper certification, they should know what they are doing and are able to deliver at the standard quality level.
Our last point is relevant due to the fact that there are many manufacturers who are inexperienced, not knowledgeable in the field etc. These manufacturers may reduce their price extremely below market related prices in order to get sales. Although, these timber products are not guaranteed to work in the way which they should due to poor treatment practices.
Sabie Poles’ Accreditation as Timber manufacturer and merchant:
SABS approved
NRCS Approved
- Members of SAWPA (South African Wood Preservers Association)
Sabie Poles is a proud leader in the industry in Southern Africa. We not only deliver nationally to every province in Gauteng, but we also export our products.

For which Building Projects can you use Timber/ Wood?
When it comes to building, wood is one of the most versatile building materials. Due to the fact that the timber is treated with CCA (Tanalith), it can be used inside or outside the house.
There are 5 different classes when it comes to treated timber. Each class has it’s own properties for end-use applications.
To read more about these CCA Treated Classes you can head on over to our FAQ Blog Post where we answer delivery, pricing and CCA Classes questions that are frequently asked.
We will now discuss some of the frequent uses for Wood / Timber as a building material:
Wood / Timber Decking
Timber is one of the most sought after materials for Decking due to the fact that it is strong, lasts long and adds a very specific aesthetic to a deck that cannot be achieved with other materials.
Decking timber can be made out of any hardwood available in the country and can be cut upon request.
At Sabie Poles, we have done a few posts regarding decking and other similar uses for timber:

Decking Designs and Construction
Basic instruction, tips and information on building a deck.
Deck and Indoor Flooring Planks
Tips and tricks for the perfect flooring for your home and deck. In this post we discussed the prices and sizes of Timber Decking and Flooring Planks. We also discussed the difference between hardwood and softwood , and additional building materials needed except for the decking and flooring planks themselves.
Veranda and Pergola Designs
We attempted to explain the difference between a veranda and pergola, why you need to use CCA Treated Timber for it’s construction and, tips and tricks how to build your very own Pergola or Veranda. Furthermore, we provided free plans to get your perfect pergola or veranda up with your CCA Treated Timber.
Agricultural Timber Building Material ( Pens & Gardening)
People in the Agricultural sector make use of building materials for almost every aspect of their business. Whether it is putting up appropriate fencing, pens or enclosures for animals, or even just for gardening purposes to assist the fruit and vegetables to grow at an optimal rate.
Cattle Pen Construction: Timber Building Materials
Our Tanalith Treated Timber is perfect for the constructions of all manner of pens and enclosures for farm animals. The timber will hold up against weathering, insect attacks and other wood deteriorating factors.
We have done various posts on animal pen construction. Click on link to see post:
Chicken coop construction
Pig Pen /Pigsty Construction
Vegetable & Fruit Garden structures construction
As you can see from the list provided above, CCA Treated Timber Poles and other products can be used for various animal pen construction purposes!
DIY Projects (Domestic Use for Timber Building Materials)
Another major use for CCA Treated Timber is for DIY projects around the house that has purpose! We have rounded up a few of the posts we have done in the past that cover a few DIY topics that you can attempt at home. These projects are relatively easy to execute when using the right building materials. That’s why we have gathered some tips and tricks together to make your life easier!
DIY Wendy House /Shed
DIY Jungle Gym /Klimraam
There are loads of Do-it-Yourself projects that you can do with CCA Treated Timber! We have not had a chance to properly delve into this area yet, but DIY furniture, DIY gardening structures etc. all come to mind when you think about projects that you can do at home with these building materials.
Timber / Wood Moldings
Timber Molding usually refer to things such as cladding, ceiling planks, decking planks and flooring planks. These are all used to “finish off” a building project or house. At Sabie Poles, we have the ability to cut these moldings out of any prefferred timber type (hardwood or softwood) and stock the most common timber moldings (pine and gum) so they are readily available to the public and at wholesale.
Posts that have featured our Timber Moulding Building Materials:
What is Cladding?
Cladding at Sabie Poles
Sabie Poles Product Ranges
Timber / Wood Flooring Planks
Other Timber Building Materials at Sabie Poles
While these are the most common building materials for the average Joe, we also sell in bulk to resellers and directly to the public for more specialized products like support beams, structural timber (S5) and, roofing timber.
These all fall into the category of S5 Construction Timber.
We have a wide range of products available to both re-selling timber merchants and directly to the public.If you have any further questions regarding our timber building materials, you can contact us below: