Laths that are manufactured from South African grown Eucalyptus is sustainable. Sabie poles believe in environmentally friendly forestry practises that is why we grow our own eucalyptus. Lathes are used for screens, handrails for walkways, or for use under thatched roofs – or simply for a decorative purpose. Lathes are measured on the small end of the lath – starting at 20mm to 32mm. The lengths are 3,0m and 3,6 and 4,5m. Lathes at Sabie Poles are bundled in 10 pieces per bundle and can be bought as CCA pressure-treated lathes or untreated.
1. Building Laths Fencing Panels
Treated laths fencing panels are manufactured with strong frames at the back. Many different screen dimensions can be manufactured with the lathes and droppers/poles or treated 38mm treated boards. Bird hides used in the Kruger National Park and other gaming farms are perfect examples thereof. Bird hides might well be the most peaceful spots inside of the Parks. Suspended in a wooden structure with a low roof and benches, hanging over a flat expanse of water, with dry trees sticking out and birds splashing about, it’s impossible to pay a quick visit to a bird hide.

Not only are lathes used in the construction of bird hides, but also CCA pressure-treated Poles and Timber. Treated timber is also used to build furniture for use in the bird hides. CCA treated benches are either stained to the preferred colour of the builder/customer or left unstained. In these structures, builders often use CCA-treated Lathes to camouflage the hideout while making use of stronger thicker material (Poles & droppers) to make sure the structure will last a lifetime.
2. Building Walkways With Laths & Droppers
Walkways are built above ground level. Additionally, CCA pressure treated timber and poles are used because it prolongs the life of the timber and poles and prevents rotting and early decay. Furthermore, the poles are measured according to the height that the walkway needs to be.
Subsequently, these poles are then planted approx. 2m apart (or as specified by builder/architects). Moreover, various sizes of CCA pressure-treated timber, such as 38×76/114/152 and/or 50×76/152, are used to build the frame between the poles. Additionally, onto this frame, the decking (either normal ones – or non-slip ones) is attached.
Moreover, these Timber pathways can be used over any terrain and can be sculptured with bends and nooks to enhance the look of the timber walkway. Consequently, this aesthetic characteristic makes the use of Timber Poles and decking easy and fun to use.
Furthermore, pathways lean themselves to the area to either blend in with nature – or as a bold statement! Additionally, jetty’s are also walkways that extend a certain length over and into the ocean – usually built onto high CCA pressure-treated poles (H6).
This treatment is what forms resistance against decay when salt and seawater sloshes against the poles. CCA pressure-treated timber is used to create the frames onto which the decking will be attached. These Jettie’s are so beautiful to walk onto and into the ocean – the relaxed feeling of being one with the ocean. Sabie Poles are glad to be contributors to some quiet and peaceful moments.!
Other uses for laths
For the Zulu people, the kraal, or isibaya, in the Zulu language, acts as a homestead, a site for ritual worship, and as a defensive position. It’s laid out as a circular arrangement of beehive-shaped huts called iQukwane,[7] which were traditionally constructed by women, surrounding a cattle enclosure. They are always built on one of Zululand’s many hills, orientated downwards. The term “kraal” refers both to the village itself and the central cattle enclosure.
In some cattle kraals, the laths are inserted between horizontal droppers or poles. It is light to carry and easy to handle when transporting it uphill. Laths were stuck between branches to demarcate and keep animals inside the kraal. Untreated laths are still used in native areas for building enclosures for chickens/cattle and sheep and goats. read more on Cattle Kraals here.
3. Laths and Poles shade structures
The following are the benefits of choosing eucalyptus poles for shade structures:
Eucalyptus shade structures will provide comfort to guests or animals seeking shade.
Aesthetic appeal
Eucalyptus can create a visually appealing roof or overhang for an outdoor dining area or pergola. Achieve the look and spacing you desire with eucalyptus poles.
4. How to Decorate Interiors With Eucalyptus Poles
How can you incorporate eucalyptus poles into interior applications? Eucalyptus poles serve a range of decorative and structural purposes in interior spaces, and they enhance tropical aesthetics while featuring structural strength. Eucalyptus poles can be used in interior applications, such as:

Eucalyptus poles can create practical or decorative room dividers with enough structural integrity to function well as a divider and offer a distinct appearance.
Ceiling and wall accents
Eucalyptus poles can complement a ceiling or wall to tie a space together. Walls can be clad by poles or matting to create a backdrop that functions as a focal point. Eucalyptus poles can be used as ceiling treatments such as coffers, to increase the visual appeal of a room.
Decorative accents
Eucalyptus poles can also be used to transform existing decor or create a decorative accent.
Benefits of Interior Eucalyptus Pole Applications
When it comes to interior design applications, eucalyptus poles can offer the following benefits:
- Versatile options for customization: Eucalyptus poles can be used in a range of applications for versatile customization in interior design.
- Code compliance: Additionally, our eucalyptus products are CCA pressure treated to meet industry and local regulations. We have the materials for your project that will allow you to stay compliant.
- Distinct appearance: Eucalyptus poles have a unique appearance that can help create a distinct interior space. Some processes, like whitewashing, can create a subtler or more refined appearance over conventional eucalyptus uses in interior design.
- Sustainable sourcing: With eucalyptus products, your design will be more eco-friendly, and you can reduce your environmental footprint. We at Sabie Poles strive to supply Timber/lathes/droppers/poles/decking/flooring/ceiling that is grown on our own plantation.
How to Decorate Interiors With Eucalyptus Poles
How can you incorporate eucalyptus poles into interior applications? Eucalyptus poles serve a range of decorative and structural purposes in interior spaces, and they enhance tropical aesthetics while featuring structural strength. Eucalyptus poles can be used in interior applications, such as:
Decorative accents
Eucalyptus poles can also be used to transform existing decor or create a decorative accent.
Ceiling and wall accents
Eucalyptus poles can complement a ceiling or wall to tie a space together. Walls can be clad by poles or matting to create a backdrop that functions as a focal point. Eucalyptus poles can be used as ceiling treatments such as coffer’s, to increase the visual appeal of a room.
Eucalyptus poles can create practical or decorative room dividers with enough structural integrity to function well as a divider and offer a distinct appearance.
Benefits of Interior Eucalyptus Pole Applications
When it comes to interior design applications, eucalyptus poles can offer the following benefits:
Code compliance
Additionally, our eucalyptus products have fire retardant characteristics that meet industry and local regulations. We have the materials for your project that will allow you to stay compliant.
Versatile options for customization
Eucalyptus poles can be used in a range of applications for versatile customization in interior design.
Sustainable sourcing
With eucalyptus products, your design will be more eco-friendly, and you can reduce your environmental footprint.
Distinct appearance
Eucalyptus poles have a unique appearance that can help create a distinct interior space. Some processes, like whitewashing, can create a subtler or more refined appearance over conventional eucalyptus uses in interior design.