In the quest for a more sustainable future, the importance of sustainable forestry principles cannot be overstated. With increasing global awareness about the impact of deforestation on our environment, it is essential to find innovative solutions that balance the need for wood products with the preservation of our precious forests.
One such solution that has gained significant traction in recent years is the use of CCA pressure treated poles. These specially treated wooden poles offer a multitude of benefits that make them an indispensable component of sustainable forestry principles.
In this blog, we will discuss the general frequently asked questions to help you understand why CCA treated poles are a sustainable choice.

What are Pressure Treated Poles?
Pressure Treated Poles are poles that have been treated with a chemical called CCA (Chromed Copper Arsenic). These poles are perfectly packed and wheeled into a high-pressure chamber. The CCA chemicals are then penetrated and fixed deep into the wood using high pressure. This treatment process ensures that the timber is properly treated all the way through. as a result, these poles are protected against wood destroying elements thus contributing the the durability of the wood.
Why do people choose pressure treated timber?
Some of the most notable reasons that CCA Treated Poles are so popular are because they:
- Are resistant to weathering
- Come with a 25 year guarantee (From reputable suppliers)
- Immune to insects and other wood-eating pests
- Safe to use in and around water
- Resistant to decay and rot
- Do not leach chemicals into the ground (When purchased from reputable pressure-treated manufacturers)
- Affordable

What species of wood is most commonly pressure treated?
One of the most commonly used wood species for pressure treatment is Southern Yellow Pine. Known for its fast growth and classification as a softwood, this type of pine offers several advantages. It is easy to handle and possesses excellent strength properties, making it an ideal choice for various projects. When treated with CCA (chromated copper arsenate), these poles gain enhanced durability, ensuring they can withstand the test of time. Whether for small or large-scale endeavors, Southern Yellow Pine poles provide the necessary strength and resilience, meeting consumer demands at an affordable price.
While hardwoods, in general, cannot be CCA treated, Eucalyptus Gum Poles stand as the second most commonly treated wood. As a hardwood, Eucalyptus possesses natural resistance to rot and decay, making treatment unnecessary. However, additional protection is always beneficial. Eucalyptus trees have a small portion of sapwood that can be effectively treated, resulting in highly durable poles, particularly suited for projects involving moisture. Moreover, this hardwood species boasts a rapid growth rate compared to other hardwoods, allowing it to meet customer demands while maintaining cost-effectiveness. Eucalyptus Gum Poles provide a viable alternative for those seeking durable and sustainable wood options.
Now that you understand what CCA poles are, let’s delves into the factors of sustainability. Fist you will have to know more about forest sustainability, so let’s get started.

What is sustainable forestry?
Sustainable forestry refers to the practice of managing and harvesting forests in a way that balances the needs of the environment, society, and the economy. It aims to ensure the long-term health and productivity of forests while minimizing negative impacts on the ecosystem and maintaining the social and economic benefits that forests provide.
Key principles of sustainable forestry include:
- Biodiversity conservation: Sustainable forestry aims to protect and enhance the biodiversity of forests, ensuring the survival of various plant and animal species. This involves preserving natural habitats, promoting the growth of native tree species, and avoiding the use of harmful chemicals.
- Forest regeneration: After harvesting trees, sustainable forestry practices emphasize the importance of promptly regenerating the forest by replanting or allowing natural regeneration to occur. This ensures the continuous growth and renewal of the forest
Why is sustainable forestry important?
Sustainable forestry is important to:
- Preserve natural resources
- Conserving natural habitats of flora and fauna
- Respecting the right of the local and greater community
- Conserving the natural resources and forests for future generations
- Keep economy up and running
CCA Pressure-treated poles are one of the most valuable aspects of implementing sustainable forestry within a whole industry. This has the potential to create ripple effects on other industries such as Agriculture and Construction.

How do pressure treated poles help
with sustainable forestry?
As mentioned above, CCA Tanalized treated poles have various benefits which include resistance against rotting, decay, and insect attacks.
Therefore, any structure built with CCA Treated Timber will last a minimum of 25 years. However, reports have shown CCA Treated Poles to outlive it’s guarantee by many many years. What does this mean for forestry, and sustainable forestry in particular?
Any structure build with CCA Treated poles will automatically last longer than it’s counterparts. Therefore, less wood will be needed to replace and/or repair the same structure in the long run. As a result of this, less trees need to be grown and harvested to supply wood for the same purposes.
Furthermore, harvested wood continues to store carbon dioxide within its structure. When trees grow, they absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere through the process of photosynthesis. This carbon is then stored in the form of carbon compounds within the tree’s cells, including in the wood.
Even after the trees are harvested and transformed into various wood products, such as building and fencing poles, the carbon remains locked within the wood. This phenomenon is known as carbon sequestration. By using wood products, we effectively extend the carbon storage timeline, keeping the carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere for a longer period.
Buying CCA Treated Timber means that you are supporting sustainable forestry practices.
How do Sabie Poles ensure that they are contributing to sustainable forestry principals?
At Sabie Poles, we take sustainable forestry principles very seriously. Therefore we have implemented various structures and procedures to ensure that we are doing everything we can to save the environment for future generations. These include:
- Growing our own forests
We have moved away from relying on other Eucalyptus farmers in order to control every aspect of the manufacturing processes and ensure that the growing of the trees are done in a environmentally friendly way.
- Selective Eucalyptus species
As we own our own forests, we have invested time into finding the species that would offer two main factors: Durability/Quality and Water consumption. The species that we farm are one of many species within the eucalyptus family, however, it uses the least amount of water when compared to other.
- Working for water
We work closely with governmental organizations like :working for water” to ensure we implement best practices wherever we are able to. We always strive to improve our growing, harvesting and manufacturing processes in a sustainable way.
- Location of plantations
As mentioned above, we work closely with Governmental Organisations. As a result, we have located the optimal locations for our plantations in order to minimize the environmental effects. This includes:
- Plantations are not planted close to rivers or other water sources.
- Forests are planted on a slope leading to a ravine. Therefore, all water runoff is fed directly back into a ravine
- We do not irrigate our trees. They solely rely on ground water. However, gum trees have a higher evaporation rate causing a higher rainfall rate in forestry areas.
Eucalyptus trees offer the following benefits to the flora, fauna and surrounding community:
- Produce large amounts of oxygen
- Job creation ( Skilled and unskilled labour is required for the growing, harvesting and manufacturing processes)
- Prevents soil erosion
- Created a natural habitat for various fauna like birds, insects and bees.
Next time you buy a single pole, take sustainable forestry into consideration. Save the planet for future generations.